How to help children eat well and be healthy ?

One way to help your child eat well and help you worry less is to know what your job is and what your child’s job is when it comes to eating. Some food experts call this the division of responsibility and is outlined below:  Your job is to offer nutritious food choices at meals and snack times. You decide the what, where, and when of eating. Your...

13/09/2016 0

ADHD Symptoms and How to deal with daily challenges

ADHD has three subtypes; predominately hyperactive-impulsive, predominately inattentive, and combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive. That means your child may have all of the symptoms in one category, or several from each. ADHD/Inattentive Type This is the child that gets labeled as lazy, spacey, ditzy or incompetent. His teacher may groan in frustration at how he daydreams and tunes out during class. She may...

29/08/2016 0

The Benefits of Puzzles in Early Childhood Development

From early childhood to adult, we love to play puzzles because of the many benefits that we can derive from them. Puzzles not only excercise your minds but also challenge your way of thinking. At O'Hana, children start out with in Discovery with simple knobbed puzzles that are outlines of simple shapes that fit into corresponding board cutouts. From there...

19/08/2016 0

Spotting Developmental Delays in Your Child: Ages 3-5

Every child grows and learns at his own pace, and the range of what’s normal is pretty wide. It’s helpful, though, to know the signs that your child might not have the skills most other kids have at his age. Doctors call those problems developmental delays. Many delays aren’t serious, and most kids can catch up, especially when they get early...

12/08/2016 0

8 Mistakes Parents Make With Preschoolers

Sometimes, it may seem like your preschooler has the innate ability to push you to the outer edge of your patience. And that's on a good day. Fear not, moms and dads. You're not alone. Preschoolers want to own their newfound independence. But they also want the close attention and love of their caregivers. Here are eight common mistakes parents of preschoolers...

05/08/2016 0

10 Things You Should Let Your Child See You Do

Modeling the behaviors you want your child to develop is the best way to raise a happy, well-adjusted adult. Here are 10 things all parents should let their children see them do. 1. Cry A lot of children think that crying means they are a baby, or weak or deficient in some way, or defective, that they should be able to override feelings of...

29/07/2016 0