TUITION AND FEES 2024 - 2025

1.  Enrollment fee: VND 5,000,000 (non-refundable) 

2.  School's Development fee: VND 1,000,000 per year (non-refundable)

3. Study Materials: VND 1,200,000/term

4. Tuition fee: will be paid per term (3 months), there are 2 rates as below:

  For children from 15 months to 4 years     VND 8,300,000/month  
  For children from 4 to 6 years  VND 9,000,000/month

4. Meal fee: VND 50,000 per day (including lunch and two snacks)

5. Breakfast fee:  VND 15,000 per meal.

6. Visitor fee: For chidren enrolling mid-term or in short term, the daily fee will be applied.   

           Half-day                       Full-day             
       VND 600,000/day         VND 700,000/day   

7.  Bus fee: (with bus monitor) 

        Distance                  One way                                         Two way                             
          < 3 km        VND 4,200,000/term     VND 6,000,000/term 
3 - 5 km    VND 5,100,000/term   VND 7,200,000/term 
> 5 km     VND 6,000,000/term   VND 8,700,000/term 
8. Discounts:
  • Families who have second child enrolling at O’Hana is eligible for a 5% discount, third child enrolling at O’Hana is eligible for a 10% discount.
  • For a group of more than 2 children enrolling at O’Hana, voucher with value of VND 1,000,000 will be offered to each family. This voucher entittles you to VND 1,000,000 deduction from tuition in the next term. 
  • Families who have a child at O’Hana refers for a new enrollment will be offered one voucher with value of VND 1,000,000. This voucher entittles you to VND 1,000,000 deduction from tuition in the next term.
  • Families who have second child enrolling at O’Hana will enjoy 50% deduction on the bus fee for the second child (same pick up spot and time).
  • Enrollment fee and School’s Development fee must be paid prior to your child’s first day of school. These fees are nonrefundable. Tuition/ fees must be paid prior to your child’s first day of school or by the due date listed on the invoice. If the payment has not been made by the due date, your child/children’s enrollment will be cancelled.
  • Payment may be made on cash/ by card (at O’Hana Preschool) or by bank transfer. Information regarding payment by bank transfer is included on the payment invoice. Please make sure you provide our office staff with a copy of the bank transfer as soon as the transfer is made.
  • This Tuition/Fees is applied for school year 2024 - 2025, O’Hana reserves the right to make adjustment for the subsequent years.