Our International Childhood Expert

OUR INTERNATIONAL EARLY CHILDHOOD EXPERT – Lisa Moore – Founder and Principal of O’Hana Preschool, who has 20 years experience in early childhood education. Lisa has a certificate in Enrolled Nursing (1986) and a Bachelor of Education (Honours) from Australia (in 1994).  As an undergraduate, she completed four years of a Bachelor of Pscyhology degree before deferring to a teaching career.

From 1997 to 2002, Lisa worked at the United Nations International School as a teacher. In 1997-1998 she was a member of the International Baccelarueate’s Primary Years Accreditation Committee and she co-chaired the English Language Arts Curriculum Review in 1999.

Between 1997 and 2000, she was a member of the UNIS early childhood advisory group for Vietnam’s early childhood renovation and teacher training projects. Since then she has advised on Early Childhood Care and Development Projects (ECCD) for both governmental and non-governmental organisations.

Since leaving UNIS in 2002, Lisa has pursued a PhD in Early Childhood Education at James Cook University in Australia.  Lisa’s PhD examines how early childhood practices are adapting to Vietnam’s changing economic and cultural landscape; and as such, she hopes it will make a unique contribution to current debates in early childhood research.